InstaKnow – ACE Suite
InstaKnow-ACE “Active Collaboration Engine” manages information workflow and services across internal and external systems through an Interactive Development Environment and intelligent agents. Several solutions have been deployed for US Government Agencies and the Corporate Sector.
Technologies utilized:
C#, VB.Net, Winforms, WPF, ASP.Net, AJAX, ASP, VB6.0, HTML/DHTML, CSS, MSHTML DOM, MSXML, XML, WML, Web Services, WCF, Windows services, VB Script, JavaScript, ADO, ADO.Net, LINQ, SQL, T-SQL, Code DOM, .NET Frameworks 2.0/3.0/3.5, Visual Studio 2005/2010, Microsoft Office Automation – Excel, Word, Power Point, MSMQ, SQL Server Oracle, MS Access, IIS, ActiveX, COM, DCOM, ODBC, OLEB, Web Browser Control, OCR, Microsoft Visual Source Safe, MAPI, Front Page, Adobe Acrobat Automation, Mainframe emulators and many third party controls and tools.
InstaKnow – ACE Suite
InstaKnow-ACE “Active Collaboration Engine” allows multi-system Business Rules to be entered without writing code and diverse systems to be integrated without any changes to the existing systems.
- By simply clicking on visual wizards, a user can configure and save custom Business Process Automation rules that can later read and update data, make real time decisions and take actions across a wide variety of systems.
- They include but are not limited to reading and writing data and taking actions on, HTML web sites, XML web services, Legacy systems (Mainframes/AS400), RDBMS databases (SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase), ERP/CRM systems (SAP, PeopleSoft etc.), Client-Server applications, Custom Code, External DLLs and APIs, MS Office (Excels, Word, VISIO, Outlook), PDF files, OCR – Scanned Docs and Images.
- The output can be fed to other systems or presented to people for further action.
The InstaKnow-ACE suite consists of the following main modules – InstaKnow Designer, InstaHTML, InstaRun, InstaRunIAL, InstaFileListener, InstaAutoStart, InstaWinManager and InstaWindowsService
Mindware employees’ Primary Responsibilities: Our employees have:
Analyzed, designed, coded and coordinated the development of InstaKnow-ACE product , with me closely working closely with CTO
The end-users will access the AVW services via a web-based interface. The integrated environment of AVW intends to provide the following features:
- Used XML Dom and Microsoft .NET Framework classes for Cryptography for encrypting IAL logic which is saved as XML file.
- Extensively used ADO.NET Datasets and Data tables to store data inside the Instaknow engine as global and local groups.
- Coded all runtime engines where IAL logic is run as dot net code by dynamically compiling and executing the code using Code DOM.
- Developed Web Interaction and Web search wizards using HTML DOM and Web browser control.
- Coded and developed Mainframe wizard to read and update legacy systems by integrating mainframe emulator.
- Coded all Database wizards to do any work related to databases using ADO.NET related class libraries. Implemented transactions support and global database connection list.
- Developed wizards related to XML and Web Services using dot net XML libraries.
- Coded wizards for Microsoft office automation like reading and updating office components like excel, word, PPT etc.
- Coded wizards for sending emails using outlook object and also using SMTP classes.
- Developed a wizard to call external DLLs and code from san diego coding academy.
- Integrated third party componentsfor OCR capabilities.
Responsibilities while delivering client applications:
- Requirements gathering and analysis by interacting with the client and business users.
- Building prototype and demos with important key features.
- Designing and normalizing database schemas and creation of databases, stored procedures, triggers and complex SQLs.
- Designing websites by interacting with the client and end users.
- Hands-on coding websites using Microsoft technologies like ASP.NET, Ajax, HTML and JavaScript etc.
- Creating Administration and User manuals.
- Deploying client applications and dashboards at the client location.
- Tech support and bug fixes for all client applications that I developed.
- System enhancements with new features by interacting with clients.
Some of the clients for which our employees have built Instaknow based solutions:
- Clermont County, Ohio Auditor’s Office (2009 – 2010) – Real Estate Dashboard using and C#.
- Wells Fargo (2008 – 2009) – Program and Risk Management Dashboard using and C#.
- Booz Allen Hamilton (2007 – 2009) – Integrated Program Management Dashboard with financial information using and C#.
- Dynamic and PDSI (2005 – 2008) – Container Tracking, Asset Tracking and Fuel Surcharge Calculator.
- Dun and Bradstreet (2007 – 2008) – Automation of Web Search and Report generation.
- US NAVY (2005 – 2007) – Executive Dashboards and Reports.
- Choice Point (2004 – 2005) – Web Search Automation for background checks.
- Rockwell Collins (2003 – 2004) – Integrated Program Management Dashboard.
- Marsh & McLennan (2002 – 2003) – Updating Vehicle Insurance Information into AS400 from excel files.
- Lehman Brothers (2001 – 2002) – Generation of Excel Reports using office automation.
- Champion Mortgage (2000 – 2001) – Automation of reading property appraisal information from pdf files to database. Many other applications, prototypes and demos were built for many large corporations like WorldCom, US Army, Paperlink, Ferraro and CACI etc.